A Gift.

Our friend Lila was a gifted potter. I can’t count how many times you have seen her pottery on Cocoa & Lavender. Some were things she made for herself or for craft shows (where I got my absolute favorite pie plate), while others are “bespoke” pieces she made just for me: long rectangular platters for loaf cakes, soufflé molds, a ceramic tube pan for bundt cakes, platters for 11-inch tarts, an oval casserole, and a set of plates with Mimbres animal designs. 

Sadly, Lila died in June. Mark and I miss her so much. Her husband Ed misses her immeasurably. Her children and grandchildren miss her very much, as you can imagine. Her book club misses her, too. The world misses her smile, her laugh, and her creativity as well as her tales of adventurous travel (for her 80th birthday she took herself parachute jumping). Lila was a true gift to us all, and how fortunate were we she shared so much of herself with us over the years. 

Today’s recipe for a Blueberry Sour Cream Tart is served on a cake plate made by Lila. The recipe is my version of a Sour Cream Tart that I had at Café au Lait in Princeton, New Jersey, more than forty years ago. It resembles a Finnish tart called mustikkapiirakka which was, perhaps, the inspiration for this recipe. It’s not terribly sweet, in that European way, so it’s perfect for dessert, elevenses, afternoon tea, or even breakfast. Lila would have loved it.

~ David


  1. angiesrecipes

    October 12, 2024 at 5:12 am

    for her 80th birthday she took herself parachute jumping….Lila sounded like an amazing and inspiring lady. I don’t think I would have the gut to do that when I am 80…And how I love that two-toned plate…perfect for presenting the delicious cake, David.

  2. Mad Dog

    October 12, 2024 at 5:57 am

    Fabulous tart – I could eat a pice now! I’m sorry to hear about your friend Lila, but lovely to be introduced to her beautiful pottery.

  3. Barb

    October 12, 2024 at 6:03 am

    Lila was obviously a delightful person and a loss to all who knew her. She no doubt would be honored that you have dedicated this post to her. The platter is beautiful and perfect for the fabulous tart you created. As you know, I don’t eat very many desserts, but I will definitely be making this tart. Using the blueberries as pie weights is brilliant!

  4. Mimi Rippee

    October 12, 2024 at 4:38 pm

    That is a beautiful plate, and an even more beautiful tart! Great story. Great lady.

  5. FEL!X

    October 12, 2024 at 5:55 pm

    We always wishing to spend more time with beloved friends. So sorry for your loss.
    Lila would love this blueberry tart – and I like it too!

  6. sherry

    October 12, 2024 at 9:58 pm

    I love the plate and the tart and the story David. I have lost a couple of friends in recent years; the pain lessens but never goes away. Yay for friends like Lila!

  7. Frank | Memorie di Angelina

    October 13, 2024 at 5:30 am

    So sorry for your loss, David. And what a lovely way to remember your friend. The tart sounds lovely. I really like the tang you get from sour cream in, say, cheesecake so I imagine you’d get a similar effect here.

  8. Jeff the Chef

    October 14, 2024 at 7:04 am

    I’m sorry that you lost your friend. I’m glad that you have these things that you love, that you can remember her by. And to grace those items with such things as exquisite as this tart! How nice!


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